
Sayulita Wellness Retreat

6 Things to Know about MDMA Assisted Therapy for PTSD

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Post-traumatic stress disorder is a mental impairment psychiatric condition. PTSD is marked by a mix of hyperarousal symptoms such as (anxiety and sleep disturbance), distressing re-experiencing of traumatic events (including intrusive memories, nightmares, or flashbacks), and avoidance symptoms (like withdrawal and emotional numbing).

MDMA Assisted Therapy for PTSD

Post traumatic stress disorder is unfortunately not rare among young adults. More than half of young people encounter a potentially traumatic event before they reach the age of 18. Although 5% to 25% may develop persistent, clinically significant symptoms of PTSD, young adults are usually Persistent when facing trauma. The effects are numerous in the incidents either during or after the traumatic experience. Generally, half of the people living with post traumatic stress disorder are not responsive to traditional treatments. Many of the FDA approved drugs and psychotherapies are not as successful as expected despite the different methodologies available to be chosen from. However, MDMA Assisted therapy combines the use of the psychoactive drug MDMA with Psychological therapy to treat Post-traumatic stress disorder.

Historical background

MDMA was first made in 1912 and had many uses before it turned into an illegal “club drug” in the 1980s. In 1970, the psychotherapeutic potential of MDMA was first discovered by psychotherapists. Nevertheless, in 1985, MDMA  was declared a Schedule 1 substance, thus making any legal therapeutic use impossible. However,  findings from researchers and clinical trials encouraged FdA to give MDMA-assisted therapy a breakthrough therapy designation for PSD as a method to promote its study and review process.

How does MDMA assisted therapy work?

Usually, people are first out into some preparatory sessions without the drug. Then, there will be a few assisted ones followed by integration sessions. Patients typically have more emotional connection, reduced fear, and more empathy during MMA sessions, which allow them to connect more deeply with their therapist and psychotherapeutic process.

MDMA Assisted Therapy for PTSD

Clinical Trials of MDMA-Assisted Therapy

Clinical trials on PTSD treatment have shown proven results. Some studies show that the majority of participants registered a considerable decrease in their symptoms of PTSD, while others even went into revocation. The multidisciplinary association for psychedelic studies has conducted many trials concerning this subject matter and advocated for the therapeutic use of MDMA, as well as leading the way forward in these clinical studies.

Safety and potency of MDMA Therapy Retreat

Mostly in clinical settings, MDMA assisted psychotherapy is considered to have a good safety profile. However, it must be stressed that trained therapists must carry out therapy in a controlled setting to take the edge off risks. This therapy is not suitable for all people. Therefore, thorough screening is required to ensure that candidates have no adverse conditions, including some form of heart disease.

Healing centers in Sayulita often provide a full range of alternative healing methods. Including those targeting the mind, which involves the basic methods of meditation, yoga, and microdosing.Sayulita provides a place that creates a natural environment that is supportive of people recovering from PTSD.

Advantages other than PTSD

Even though most research has focused on post-traumatic stress disorder, MDMA-assisted therapy might also be useful in treating other conditions like anxiety associated with advanced illness, social phobia among adults with autism spectrum disorder, or even depression.

Proven testimony of MDMA Therapy for Couples

MDMA Assisted psychotherapy has greater therapeutic success than any other psychotherapy or medication for PTSD, said Dr Yehuda. Unlike many other PTSD therapies, most patients maintain symptom reduction after reduction after a single course of treatment. The effects are long-lasting. Over two-thirds of patients receiving MDMA-assisted psychotherapy no longer had PTSD one year later. Researchers attribute these outcomes to MDMA’s unique ability to help patients examine traumatic experiences without the associated pain, allowing them to work through the issues with their therapists.

MDMA Assisted Therapy for PTSD

Privacy at Sayulita Wellness Retreat

The privacy and confidentiality of Sayulita Wellness Retreat’s guests who are undergoing MDMA therapy are regarded as the most important things. They put in place tight measures to ensure that all personal details and therapeutic sessions remain secretive. Its isolated positions provide calmness and seclusion that permit customers to concentrate on their cure without worrying about the invasion of their privacy. In addition, The personnel at the retreat are taught how to be confidential; hence, they always keep patients’ information private so they can feel secure when undergoing any form of therapy.


In matters relating to mental ailments like PTSD, MDMA assisted therapy is an innovative approach. Its efficacy and safety have been confirmed in various scientific studies exploring drug utilization in medical settings to treat many deliberating conditions, making it easier to help more patients. However, its use should be handled with caution to make certain that its usage remains under controlled professional environments to maximize the advantages and minimize risks associated with this drug use.

Experts at Sayulita wellness  suggest  the following to enhance MDMA therapy

  • Improve motivations
  • Create a strong therapeutic bond
  • Integrate more emotional strategies
  • Employ direct and exposure therapy approaches during MDMA sessions
  • Augment support is needed for simultaneous difficulties in the treatment gains.
  • Involve healing in the healing process.

For more information about MDMA therapy, you can check Sayulita Wellness Retreat resources.