
Sayulita Wellness Retreat

Ibogaine Therapy in Veterans

Ibogaine Therapy in Veterans

To understand how veterans are treated by receiving therapy for Ibogaine, you first need to understand what Ibogaine is. It’s a plant-based psychedelic drug that has shown great improvements in treating PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, and internal head injuries. 

For many years, it was hard to treat such Veterans who survived such conditions and have served their life for the sake of their country. With many traumatic injuries that made their life miserable and left them hopeless, Ibogaine granted them hope for a better living and better state of mind.

Please read the article till the end to learn more about Ibogine and how it helped Veterans heal themselves.

Ibogaine Therapy in Veterans

What is Ibogaine?

Ibogaine is a plant-based psychedelic drug that majorly helps Veterans who have Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Depression, Drug Addiction, Anxiety, etc. It was mainly first discovered by an African tribe known as Pygmy.

It was also once used in their spiritual ceremonies and rituals as a gesture to welcome new members of the Biwti religion. Ibogaine, although having effects, also has side effects that can cause death due to its misuse and many other reasons. It is declared illegal in some parts of the world, including the United States of America.

How did Ibogaine help treat Veterans?

Taking a journey of healing is not easy for everyone. They may have tried many old and new traditional ways but couldn’t get out of the situation. 

When it comes to a mental health problem, it can lead to many severe conditions, making them significantly emotionally sensitive to almost every little thing and giving them major flashbacks.

Ibogaine has proved to be a great drug for Veterans, improving their mental health, treating PTSD, and getting them rid of addictions.

Treating Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

It’s a psychological phenomenon of autobiographical replaying of scenes. People stated they had seen themselves in a room, playing TV from their childhood, etc., basically past flashbacks that play with your brain. You find it disturbing and uncomfortable; it makes you emotionally weak.

After having Ibogaine, Veterans feel much more relaxed, their pain level decreases, and it helps them process traumatic memories, leading them to a healing journey.

Helps in Opioid Drug Addiction

Having Ibogaine helps in killing the desire for opiates, also known as narcotics. It lessens their desire for drug addiction, creating peace in their minds and lives. Ibogaine patients usually head to Mexico for the treatment.

Improves Mental Health

It helps improve mental health by creating new neural connections and helping veterans understand their emotions better. According to Standford Medicine Researchers Ibogaine, “Safely led to improvements in depression, anxiety, and functioning among veterans with traumatic brain injuries.”

Ibogaine Therapy in Veterans

Ibogaine Therapy: How is it done?

In 2006, 3,500 people were treated by Ibogaine and eventually, the number increased. The procedures are done in such a way that the doctor with their team visits you to monitor whether you can bear this treatment or not. 

According to a person who has been through this procedure, “This treatment is arduous, it’ll teach you patience and it’s just ongoing. It’s there to Dredge your Soul”. Ibogaine can’t be taken in bigger amounts as it can lead to serious, severe mental health issues.

It even helps clean receptor sites. Further, they monitor your heart rate and blood pressure through EKG or ECG by attaching sticky patches to the patient’s chest, and the process continues. The time period of treatment varies from patient to patient.

Where’s Ibogaine legal and illegal?

New Zealandlegal

Side Effects of Ibogaine

Where there are effects of Ibogaine, there are side effects, too, as it can be very dangerous to someone’s life. It can also be a cause of death if not taken under recommendation and high care.

Here are some common side effects of Ibogaine

Cardiovascular Problem: Ibogaine can greatly affect your heart, leading to a heart attack. It’s important to track the heart rate of patients using ECG or EKG, as your doctor will surely know how to have things under control.

Psychological Effect: It can leave you in great distress as you heal. Mixed emotions vary from patient to patient. Some common emotions are sadness, fear, anxiety, etc.

Nausea and Vomiting: Many patients feel nausea and vomiting, which is common during Ibogaine treatment and mostly happens with the patients when they are at the initial stage of treatment, which is a reaction to the psychedelic drug Ibogaine.

Ibogaine Therapy in Veterans

Veteran Reviews on Ibogaine

Here are reviews of Veterans who have been treated through Ibogaine and felt peace in their lives.

  • It Helped them overcome PTSD (Post-Traumatic Syndrome Disorder) and Depression
  • It Helped them get rid of Addiction
  • It Healed them Emotionally


Ibogaine has helped many people, not only Veterans, with their internal head injuries, mental health issues, PTSD, Depression, and much more. It granted them hope and changed their lives forever by healing their scars and granting them a peaceful life.

Many people head to Mexico and Canada for treatment as in many areas, it’s considered illegal for treatment, and people have to look out of their country.


  • What is Ibogaine?

Ibogaine is a plant-based psychedelic drug that majorly helps Veterans who have Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Depression, Drug Addiction, Anxiety, etc. It was mainly first discovered by an African tribe known as Pygmy.

  • Is it Safe to have Ibogaine Therapy?

Ibogaine is risky. It should be taken under strict medical supervision. A doctor first takes your ECG or EKG in order to understand if you can bear it or not.

  • What are the common side effects of Ibogaine?

Some common side effects of Ibogaine include Psychological effects, Vomiting, Nausea, Ataxia, etc.

  • What conditions does Ibogaine help in Treating?

It helps in treating PTSD (Post-Trauma Syndrome Disorder), Anxiety, Depression, Head Injuries, Mental Health issues, Drug Addictions, and much more. 

Having a session with your doctor will be highly beneficial for a much deeper understanding as every patient differs from another patient.