
Sayulita Wellness Retreat

Is Ibogaine Addictive? Complete Guide, Overview

is Ibogaine Addictive?

If you are a person who is being treated by Ibogaine or is getting to be in the future there must be many questions roaming in your head one of them is whether Ibogaine can be addictive for a person or not. Well, the answer is NO. Well, it has anti-addictive properties, instead, it’s used for patients who are addicted to drugs. 

To learn more about it with Evidence from Research, read the article till the end. Kindly note the information given below is just for educational purposes and should not be taken as medical advice.

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What is Ibogaine?

Ibogaine is a psychoactive Indole Alkaloid obtained from the root bark of the Tabernanthe Iboga. It was mainly discovered by a Central African Tribe known as Pygmy. Later this knowledge was transferred to the Bwiti Tribe and Gabon. 

It’s widely known for treating drug addictions, internal head injuries, mental health-related issues, PTSD (Post Traumatic Syndrome Disorder), etc.

Is Ibogaine Addictive or a Myth?

It’s a Myth that Ibogaine can be addictive because Ibogaine is not like opioids, nicotine, alcohol, etc. It contains different properties than other drugs that result in addiction. Instead, Ibogaine treats addiction like opioids, nicotine, alcohol, etc. 

Researchers have shown that Ibogaine does not cause any physical dependency. Whereas it may cause Psychological addiction no one wants to bear the pain that it causes physically as well as mentally due to these reasons it’s not a common addiction among people.

How Research Proves It?

Many researchers have proved that Ibogaine is not addictive. Allen Davis Director of Education States that  “The Best Evidence that we have is About 30% of People will remain Abstinent from Opioids after Using Ibogaine

Further, Stanford Medicine Researchers have found out that Ibogaine safely led to improvements in depression, anxiety, and functioning among veterans with traumatic brain injuries.

Ibogaine Another Name12-Methoxyibogamine
Ibogaine Route of AdministrationOral
Molar Mass310.441 g·mol−1

How Ibogaine Affected People’s Lives?

Ibogaine has impacted many lives toward betterment, a bright future, gratitude, and a life filled with hopes for a better life. Also, these are some basic things that are important to almost every individual’s life. 

People say after having this magical treatment we feel peace and relief. Cravings have decreased addictions. It’s an emotional journey of healing towards the wellness of mind and body.

  • This is what the patient said that had been through the treatment of Ibogaine

“I came down for PTSD and I had a situation in my life where something in my life was robbing me every single day and I could not get through these thoughts without being at work and arguing this point over and over again. I would wake up, I would Pace I would Cry I would Drink whatever to get it to go away and I woke up freehand I have been free since that day.”

Is Ibogaine Addictive?

Is it Legal To Use Ibogaine?

Whereas Ibogaine is effective, it could be dangerous too leading to death, heart attack, Nausea, Vomiting, etc. People usually head to Mexico and Canada for treatment as it’s not legal everywhere including the United States of America due to the misuse of product and various other reasons. 

Here is a list of some common countries where psychedelic drug is considered  legal and illegal,

New Zealandlegal


Ibogema is not an addiction but a solution to an addiction. Addiction could be very difficult to cope with. To get rid of your addictions, painkillers, depression most importantly PTSD it’s best to opt for Ibogaine.

It has worked as magic in their lives granting them better understanding, peace, and hope. But therapy is not that easy usually people get to see flashbacks and much more which causes them sadness, fear, etc. As it’s also an emotional healing of the wounds that have not healed over the years.


  1. Is Ibogaine Addictive?

No, it’s not addictive as it causes no physical dependency. Instead, it’s used to treat addictions like opioids, nicotine, alcohol, etc.

  1. Is It Legal to Use Ibogaine?

 As it’s a dangerous drug it varies from country to country. The United States has restricted it while declaring it illegal. For getting treated most of the people head to Canada and Mexico.

  1. Is Ibogaine therapy available worldwide?

No, Ibogaine therapy is not available worldwide it’s limited to countries only where it’s legal. Even if it’s legal in a country it’s limited to a specialized clinic only.

  1. Are there any risks associated with this drug?

Yes, It can cause death to a person too that’s why doctors first monitor them with different things including ECG or ECK, it can even cause nausea, vomiting, Cardiovascular problems, and psychological effects depending on the patient’s conditions.