
Sayulita Wellness Retreat

Ibogaine Therapy For Drug Addiction Treatment, Withdrawal, Illness, Method, Care

Ibogaine Therapy For Drug Addiction

Drug addiction therapy is the most effective and well known technique to heal the problems caused by drugs like symptoms of withdrawal, mental illness, weight loss, depression and anxiety. Sometimes a complete procedure can be the solution for solving this issue. Ibogaine Therapy for drug addiction has efficacy and results if the patient follows the guidelines after this treatment.

Young people usually get into drug addiction due to the influence of their friends circle, social media and to look cool and feel relaxed in stressful situations and eventually it becomes a habit and they don’t even know they are addicted to it. Substance use disorder is a new name for it now which affects the brain’s functionality and a person starts losing control over his body, actions and thoughts. 

Ibogaine Therapy For Drug Addiction

As the time passes, the addicted person becomes more violent and crazy about taking high doses of substances which makes them stable and feels good but quitting the dose may increase the cravings for its use. It depends which drug you are using and how it affects your body because these drugs have different effects on different people but treating the drug addiction is possible especially with the help Ibogaine treatment therapy if done by complete care.

How does ibogaine help in drug addiction?

Ibogaine is a plant used as remedy which helps in normalizing brain and body functions and it works well for Drug addiction treatment and getting popular by its results and success rate and most of the patients are having the permanent retreat for this addiction problem which solves the withdrawal problems, craving and inability for controlling the body and brain.

Ibogaine roots were introduced in West Africa and people use it for multiple purposes but especially for addiction treatment and think it connects a person spiritually which is true and research say that it neutralize the messengers of the brain and it communicate with neurotransmitters and restart the opioid receptors which reduce the craving of drugs and helps brain to work properly.

Procedure of Therapy for Drug Addiction:

  • Pre Treatment process:

Pre-Treatment is the most important initial step for ibogaine therapy for drug addiction where we sometimes do the counseling sessions with our patient to determine whether they truly need this ibogaine treatment or not. These sessions help us to prepare the patient mentally for this clinical treatment which relaxes their mind and makes things easier for our specialist for a smooth procedure.

Sometimes a patient needs to fulfill the detoxification process for other substances and we often need to check the health history of the candidates for good and safer therapy experience.

Ibogaine Therapy For Drug Addiction
  • Guide and Methods during Therapy:

We welcome our patients warmly at our treatment facility and ensure a safe, private and relaxing environment with some decoration and arrangements for beginning the therapy. Our professionals take good care of the patient throughout the whole procedure and often do the short counseling sessions during this process.

Therapy starts with a little controlled dose which lasts between 12 to 24 hours. Sayulita Wellness has such a nice space where our patient can lie down in peace and enjoy the scenic view of the sea. Laying down in this way is also recommended because the effects of ibogaine dose can be the deep thoughts with other varied, intense and emotional experiences so calming down is the best recommendation.

The therapeutic setting we have is really comfortable and offered with soft music as well. Each patient is completely monitored and reported by staff to our expert doctors to ensure the safe therapy process.

  • Post Treatment process Or Care after Therapy:

Ibogaine Therapy can be critical and often varies from patient to patient but usually same for drug and alcohol addiction. Feeling tired and fatigued can be the effects of this therapy where the patient needs to rest completely to heal rapidly. 

Therapists do the follow up sessions with patients to know their experiences and challenges they are facing and insights they got from the therapy. Taking part in different well being activities are encouraged and advised to have a better living style and experience after the ibogaine therapy. Healthy diet, regular exercise and walking, taking part in sport activities i.e badminton or other mindful games are recommended to get engaged with a positive way of living.

Counseling sessions after ibogaine therapy for drug addiction are also the way of learning for Sayulita wellness for maintaining our services with more facilities and guidelines for our patients.

Ibogaine Therapy For Drug Addiction

Therapy Advantages:

If we look at the physical benefits, this ibogaine therapy for drug addiction helps reduce the craving for drugs addictions so basically it’s a detoxification process and help the brain to work more effectively to adapt the recovery and neutralize the brain functions which reduce the strange and deep thoughts to overcome the mind from that same addicted situation.

Ibogaine therapy for drug addiction has spiritual benefits which lead to self discovery and growth which is even more valuable as it provides new motivation for better living and goals to achieve in life and helps in covering the withdrawal symptoms.