
Sayulita Wellness Retreat

Mechanism of MDMA in Therapy

Mechanism of MDMA

One major chemical, MDMA or also called ecstasy has gathered respectively due to its possible use in assisting people suffering from PTSD and SAD, among other mental disorders. In an attempt to put forward these issues, this article focuses on exploring the biochemical functioning of MDMA and the possibilities of its utilization in clinical practice in reference to patients undergoing MDMA assisted therapy.


Mdma was first synthesized in 1912 by Merck, a pharmaceutical company. Although it was well popularized in the 1970s and 1980s for recreational purposes. It has gradually started getting a reputation for having health benefits in the recent past. The compound is famously known to cause feelings of pleasure, affection and emotion bonding hence its roles in controlled settings such as psychotherapy. Have you ever pondered what could be the best place for MDMA therapy that includes security, luxury, and spiritual transformation?

Mechanism of MDMA

Read on to know about the best healing centers  that combine trendy comfort with best therapy practices.

Biochemical mechanism of MDMA

Serotonin Release 

MDMA works by boosting the rents of serotonin, A chemicals that controls moods and feelings of happiness. MDMA enhances the release of serotonin from presynaptic neurons to the synaptic cleft and so precious the reuptaking of serotonin thus accumulating more serotonin in the brain. It is believed that the level of serotonin increases with this food leading to improved mood, reduced anxiety, and feeling of social bonding.

Oxytocin Release

This substance also increases the concentration of Oxytocin hormone linked with the feelings of bonding and trust. Higher oxytocin concentrations are believed to play a role in raising empathogenic and emotional affiliation in participants who take MDMA. This effect can be valuable specifically for the therapeutic process, where therapist’s and the client’s  alliance and the sense of safety are essential.

Dopamine and Norepinephrine release

Besides the serotonin and oxytocin, MDMA also enhances the level of Dopamine and norepinephrine. Dopamine is related  to motivational aspects as well as with stimulus reward, whereas norepinephrine is related to arousal and alerting impacts. Interactions of the above mentioned neurotransmitters are bound to promote the patient’s mood and energy level, which in turn helps in promoting his/her active participation in the therapeutic process.

Mechanism of MDMA

Therapeutic Mechanisms in PTSD

Dying out  of Traumatic Memories

There is one particular area, where the use of MDMA  therapy has shown a great deal of potential and that is PTSD. Earlier approaches of dealing with PTSD are through exposure therapy and dealing with converting traumatic memories which distress the affected patients. The results seem to support the hypothesis that pathology induces a state that is conducive to the extinction of these traumatic memories because MDMA helps to decrease the fear response and bring the patient into a state where they can begin to process the trauma without the harm effects of PTSD.

Enhance therapeutic alliance

The empathogenic effects of MDMA might have a positive impact on the patient-therapist relationship which is defined as therapeutic alliance. This condition in the therapeutic relation is crucial for healing as it provides patients with the confidence to disclose their injuries and elaborate on implications that have not been easy to surface.The subject’s intolerance to connect emotionally and the decreased fight or flight mechanism of the human body under MDMA can greatly help the patient to express their trauma and at the same time be better equipped to fight it.

Therapeutic  Mechanism of Social Anxiety

In autistic adults, selfcare decreases social anxiety and noticeable self consciousness.

Another common beneficial effect of MDMA, is in decreasing social anxiety of autistic persons. Cognitive behavioral therapies do not work well with this particular group and yet, MDMA  assisted therapy helps reduce self identified social phobia by lessening the mood’s social threat component while promoting emotional connection. This in return can make the autistic person more comfortable and activity comes to social relationships and thereby increases their quality of life.

 Clinical Setting And Future Research

 There are scientific attempts that support the use of MDMA with therapy for PTSD and other diseases. However these statements need to be conducted under closely monitored circumstances and may have to be provided with the assistance of a professional so as to avoid complications. MDMA therapy for PTSD today holds the “Breakthrough therapy” status from the FDA, the more fine the promises of revolutionizing personal therapy.

Risk and Ethics of the system

Despite a positive outlook on this compound, there is an issue of risk and concerns on legalizing such a drug.  The main drawbacks that require mentioning include the possibility of abuse, neurotoxicity and the necessity to recognize the contradictory sign in the patient before their administration of MDMA. Furthermore, the necessity of using MDMA therapy, its inclusion into the standard practices of clinical treatment means there is a desperate need for strong therapist training and comprehensive safety standards for the patients.

Mechanism of MDMA

On growing Research and innovation

 More studies are currently being conducted with record of the processes and effectiveness of using MDMA in therapy. Although the drug has been proposed for use in treating other psychiatric disorders. Scientists  are also looking for non-traditional ways of delivery like using MDMA joints with other treatment approaches. Additionally they are also trying to creat new type analogs that do not cause such side effects is also in progress. The prospects of continued use of MDMA for the treatment of various mental health disorders is exciting as more research is done to achieve more accurate results.


Sayulita wellness retreat is aimed at strengthening the relationships, so people who lost their feelings and want to resolve deep issues can choose it. MDMA therapy is a novel technique to address PTSD, SAD or maybe other similar disorders in the future. The substance works by boosting the levels of neurotransmitters which exist in the brain and by making the patient relaxed emotionally, thus helping them work on traumatic memories they have and also helping them to  manage how to interact with other people. With scientific development MDMA is included in the overall context of approaches to the treatment of mental disorders for  the people who have not had success with standard forms of treatment.